



1. これは手のX線写真。付け爪をしているとこんな風に写ります。

What an X-ray of your hand looks like when you have nail studs on from r/mildlyinteresting

2. オーストラリア・メリノ種の羊の毛の中をのぞいてみたら・・・

The wool of an Australian Merino sheep from r/mildlyinteresting

3. 「メープルシロップの瓶の底にできていた糖の結晶」

Sugar crystal that formed at the bottom of my maple syrup from r/mildlyinteresting

4. 「噴き出す直前の間欠泉」

This geyser right before it blows from r/mildlyinteresting

5. ココナッツを磨いてみた

This is what happens when you polish a coconut from r/mildlyinteresting

6. 「度数-20.00の眼鏡のレンズの厚みはこれくらい」

This is how thick the edge of the glass can be on a -20.00 prescription glasses. from r/mildlyinteresting

7.  「レモン汁にゆで卵を浸すとこうなります」

What happens when you soak an egg in lemon juice from r/mildlyinteresting

8.  不気味な毛虫がこんな蝶に変身

Watched a crimson rose caterpillar metamorphosize to a butterfly. from r/mildlyinteresting


So this is what a gecko’s feet look like when sticking on walls from r/mildlyinteresting

10. . 「祖母の庭でとれた2キロ近くある巨大アボカド」

This nearly 2 kg avokado from my grandmother’s place from r/mildlyinteresting

11. 「電気ショックを受けた木製の立方体」

A block of wood that’s been electrocuted from r/mildlyinteresting

12. 「1ヶ月ギプスをした後の私の足の変化」

The difference in my legs after being in a cast for 1 month from r/mildlyinteresting

13. 「ねじれる前のねじを発見!」

So this is what a screw looks like before the threads are added. from r/mildlyinteresting

14.  「ベトナム北部の凍ったクモの巣」

Frozen spider web in the North of Vietnam from r/mildlyinteresting



プレビュー画像: ©reddit.com/ameves